|you| |me|
|me| |you| Series
Cast Iron, variable sizes, 2016-21
Where do |you| start and |me| end? Can |you| and |me| be so different, yet very much the same?
Our life experience is based on polarized dualities and our minds cannot understand anything unless the opposite is brought in through comparison and contrast. Maybe there is a chance that our conflicts are inner, not outer, and this duality is a condition of our rational mind.
It is possible to learn to experience things as they are—without judgment—and accept the whole as it is. Perhaps, rather than living in chaos and contradiction, we can allow the perspective of complementary, cooperation, and harmony to become more porous to our survival.
Our existence is defined by natural rhythms and cycles: we live and die; we love and hate. It is the basic principle of life. But in love, when opposites meet, they are complementary forces, not conflicting.
|you| and |me| are a Necessary Part of a Whole. This is life, not logic.